Leverage the Power of AI with

StealthStart AI

StealthStart AI delivers rapid AI MVP prototypes, enabling Enterprises, Defence industry suppliers and members to immediately explore and validate innovative concepts in AI and mobile Apps.

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Use Cases


AI Object / Image Detection and Segmentation

Automated Equipment and Inventory Detection.

With StealthStart AI, it is possible to train AI systems to identify, detect, locate and segment objects within an image, document or video, in a manner similar to how humans perceive their surroundings.

AI object and image detection in defence helps reduce human workload, enhances the speed and accuracy of threat identification, and enables more effective decision-making in complex and dynamic military environments.

AI Object and Image Detection Applications

Object detection is crucial for enabling military vehicles and equipment to detect objects, other vehicles and obstacles.

Identifying and tracking objects in surveillance footage can enhance defence capabilities.

Detecting and locating abnormalities or specific structures in medical images for rapid battlefield diagnosis.

Recognising and tracking real-world objects to overlay digital information in augmented reality applications for defence purposes.

AI Marksmanship Scoring Application - Australian Army

EM Defence Tech developed a mobile application for the Australian Army Skill at Arms Meet (AASAM), that automatically detects the fall of shot and calculates the score using Computer Vision.

AI Marksmanship Scoring


Knowledge Synthesis

Merging Disparate Intelligence Insights.

StealthStart AI empowers defence organisations to leverage the power of Knowledge Synthesis to systematically review, analyse, and organise existing knowledge in order to generate new insights, identify patterns, and draw meaningful conclusions. Knowledge Synthesis enables defence stakeholders to make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of past and present security insights; in order to stay ahead of evolving threats, adapt to changing geopolitical landscapes, and ensure the overall effectiveness of military operations.

Application of Knowledge Synthesis

Intelligence Analysis

Data Fusion: Combine data from multiple sources, such as satellite imagery, human intelligence, and signals intelligence, to create a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the operational environment.
Pattern Recognition: Use advanced analytics to identify patterns and trends in data, helping to detect potential threats or anomalies.

Threat Assessment

Scenario Planning: Develop hypothetical scenarios based on synthesised information to evaluate potential threats and plan for various contingencies.
Risk Analysis: Assess the likelihood and impact of different threats to prioritise resources and responses.

Technology Assessment

Innovation Monitoring: Stay abreast of technological advancements and innovations in military capabilities to understand the evolving threat landscape.
Capability Integration: Evaluate how emerging technologies can be integrated into existing defence systems for enhanced capabilities.


Vulnerability Assessment: Synthesise information about potential vulnerabilities in defence systems, networks, and infrastructure to develop effective cybersecurity strategies that identify vulnerabilities, respond to cyberattacks, and understand cybersecurity protocols.
Incident Response: Combine data from various sources to quickly identify and respond to cyber threats.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Monitoring: Synthesise information about the supply chain to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure the security and reliability of critical resources.
Optimisation: Use synthesised data to optimise logistics operations and allocation of resources.

Strategic Planning

Threat Landscape Analysis: Synthesise intelligence to understand the overall threat landscape, enabling strategic planning to address current and future challenges.
Alliance Integration: Integrate information about the capabilities and activities of allied forces to enhance collaborative efforts and interoperability.

Training and Simulation

Data Integration for Training: Synthesise data from various exercises, simulations, and real-world scenarios to improve training programs and enhance the readiness of military personnel.

Decision Support

Crisis Response: Provide decision-makers with synthesised information during crisis situations to reduce cognitive load allowing for greater shared situational awareness to deliver effective, efficient and ethical decision making; based on abstraction, judgement and idea-based reasoning.
Policy Formulation: Use knowledge synthesis and Enterprise Artificial Intelligence, to inform the development of defence policies and strategies.


Document Digitisation

Hardcopy-to-digital Document Conversion and Rapid Data Extraction

StealthStart AI plays a crucial role in document digitisation by automating digitisation, enhancing accuracy, improving efficiency, and unlocking valuable insights from digital content. This not only facilitates a more seamless transition from physical to digital documents but also opens up new possibilities for data analysis and decision-making.

Application of Document Digitisation

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Text Extraction: AI-driven OCR technology is used to convert printed or handwritten text in scanned documents into machine-readable text. This enables the digitisation of textual information, making it searchable and editable.

Document Classification

Automated Sorting: AI algorithms can classify documents based on their content, helping to organise and categorise information effectively. This is particularly useful in large document repositories where automated sorting can save time and effort.

Data Extraction

Structured Data Identification: AI models can recognise and extract structured data such as names, dates, addresses, and other specific information from documents. This is valuable for digitising forms, invoices, and other structured documents.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Semantic Analysis: NLP can be applied to understand the context and meaning of textual content within documents. This is useful for extracting insights, summarising content, and enhancing search capabilities.

Information Validation

Error Checking: AI can help identify and correct errors during the digitisation process. This ensures that the digitised documents are accurate and reliable.

Automated Data Entry

Form Processing: AI-powered systems can automate the extraction and entry of data from forms, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimising errors.

Content Recognition

Image and Object Recognition: AI models can recognise and interpret images, diagrams, and even handwritten notes found within documents, expanding the scope of digitisation.

Document Summarisation

Automated Summarisation: AI algorithms can summarise lengthy documents, extracting key information and providing concise summaries. This aids in quick comprehension and supports decision-making.

Security and Compliance

Sensitive Information Detection: AI can identify and redact sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information, to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Workflow Automation

Process Optimisation: AI-powered workflow automation can streamline document-centric processes, improving efficiency and reducing turnaround times. This includes automated approvals, notifications, and routing of documents alongside data utilisation, visualisation and maximisation.

Search and Retrieval

Enhanced Search Capabilities: AI-driven indexing and tagging enable more sophisticated search functionalities, allowing users to quickly locate specific information within a large repository of digitised documents.

Adaptive Learning

Continuous Improvement: AI models can learn from user interactions and feedback, continuously improving their performance in tasks such as document classification and data extraction.

Application to Streamline Aviation Documentation - Air Force

EM Defence Tech designed, developed and deployed a Mobile and Web Application for the Royal Australian Air Force aimed at streamlining access to regulative aviation documentation.

Aviation Documentation


Knowledge Testing

Automated Tests and Knowledge Depth Assessments.

By integrating AI into knowledge assessment processes, defence organisations can enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and validity of evaluations. It also allows for more personalised learning experiences, ultimately contributing to improved training outcomes and skill development.

Application of Knowledge Testing

AI systems can be designed to generate and evaluate questions based on a predefined knowledge base that generate a variety of questions related to military tactics, strategies, equipment, and protocols. Users answer these questions, and the AI system assesses the correctness of their responses.

AI-powered adaptive testing involves dynamically adjusting the difficulty of questions based on the test-taker's performance. This ensures that the assessment accurately reflects the individual's level of knowledge.

ML algorithms can be trained to grade assessments automatically. This is common in multiple-choice tests, where the AI system learns from a set of pre-graded examples to grade new responses.

Immersive technologies like VR and AR can be used for creating realistic simulated scenarios in which personnel must make decisions based on their knowledge of military procedures. This can include simulated battlefield situations, emergency responses, or strategic planning exercises. AI can be used to adapt the difficulty of scenarios, introduce unexpected events, and assess decision-making skills.

AI can enhance traditional learning management systems by providing personalised assessments, recommendations, and feedback based on the learner's progress and performance.

AI can help assess personnel's ability to convey information accurately and follow proper communication protocols.

AI systems can evaluate personnel's ability to interpret satellite imagery, drone footage, or other visual data relevant to defence operations.


  • Be at the forefront of innovation
  • Enhance operational effectiveness
  • Adapt to evolving threats
  • Obtain a strategic advantage

  • Up to 70% cost reduction over standard AI development methods.
  • Launch pilot-ready innovations in just 3-6 months.
  • Elevate with Australia’s Sovereign AI Capabilities and expertise.
  • Redefining Defence innovation with a proven approach that minimises risk.
  • Deployed on the robust infrastructure and foundations provided by AWS Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and OpenAI.

Effective, Powerful and Responsive Defence Technology

If you would like to know more about StealthStart AI, please submit an enquiry and set up a meeting today!

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About EM Defence Tech

EM Defence Tech, a division of Elegant Media, is a Melbourne-based, award-winning technology firm, we specialise in delivering advanced AI and technology solutions designed to meet the unique needs of defence applications.


13/195 Wellington Rd,
Clayton, VIC 3168


1300 470 580

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